SPM Tutorial Notes

From Bangor Imaging Unit

The SPM webpage

File:SPM12 manual.pdf

Nia's Presentation

I put a copy of Nia's Power Point presentation on pmac2752 at smb://pmac2752.ad.bangor.ac.uk/Installers/SPM_Tutorial.pptx

Additional information can be found from the SPM website by looking at the SPM Course Notes

Video recordings of the SPM course can be found at http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/course/video/

File:FMRI analysis using SPM.pdf

A paper which may be of interest by Keith Worsley describing the basic principles of Random Field Theory:
File:1996 Worsley.pdf

WFU_Pickatlas and Automatic Anatomical Labelling (AAL) are both useful tools which you might consider downloading. Both are available from the SPM website under 'Extensions'.